JFYI: Johnny and The Boys (^,^)

Years and years ago, Johnny H. Kitagawa had a dream… 
a dream to surround himself with hordes of dancing, shirtless boys.
And lol, Johnny’s Entertainment began.

Johnny’s Entertainment is a management company that really has producing male idols down to a science.

Johnny’s groups include Hikaru Genji (the, I kid you not, rollerskating Johnny’s), SMAP (who’re not even singers anymore, as much as pure celebrities), Tokio (the Johnny’s version of a rock band), KinKi Kids (the Guiness record-breaking, top-selling duo), Arashi (the new pop/rap group), and many others.

The Johnny’s aren’t all perfect, of course.
I nearly wet myself laughing every time I see Hikaru Genji skating around.
It’s a running joke that SMAP leader Nakai-kun can’t (and doesn’t) sing.
KinKi Kids perform some of the cheesiest idol songs I’ve ever heard in my life.
But love them or hate them, Johnny’s boys are extremely talented and well-trained.

Most all Johnny’s groups are chosen from a giant pool of young boys and adolescents known collectively as Johnny’s Junior.
The Juniors pay their dues tagging along to other Johnny’s concerts and eventually work their way up through a series of small groups to hopefully become big Johnny’s stars.
By the time they make it big, they know how to do absolutely everything, and make it look easy, too.

source: Senshigakuen

hikaru genji johnny jimusho


Hahaha…aku sedang gak ada kerjaan hari ini jadi iseng2 browsing gak jelas en nemu artikel ini yang bersumber dari senshigakuen.com, udah lama sih artikel ini, soalnya Arashi kan bukan grup baru lagi sekarang ini, mungkin tahun 2000-an, karena Arashi mulai aktif tahun 1999, tapi gak tau tepatnya kapan (^_^)a. Ini cuma buat seru2an aja ya, so no hurt feeling guys… karena aku termasuk yang demen sama dorama2-nya Johnny’s boys.. tapi kalo lagu2 mereka aku kurang tau, hehe 😀 Kalo kita liat sekarang mimpinya Mbah Johnny udah jadi kenyataan iya gak sih? walaupun mimpinya agak aneh buatku “dikelilingi segerombolan cowok2 bertelanjang dada yang menari-nari”?? 😉 *what the..??* tapi berkat itu juga si Mbah jadi dikelilingi money tree, hihihi… Jadi, HIDUP JOHNNY’S!! Kanpaaaiii \(^o^)/

Pssttt…Kimutaku keliatan culun banget ya, senyum 3 jari andalan Inbek tuuh, hahaha… XD  *tapi kalo  aktingnya jangan ditanya*

Have a nice first day of 2012 Minna-san (^o^)/

2 thoughts on “JFYI: Johnny and The Boys (^,^)

  1. Hola Laoraaa, dateng lagi nih, hehehe…
    uwaaaaa ada postingan soal JE di sini >_< i
    btw itu hanya JE Boys yang senior2 yah hihihi…well, bagaimanapun juga kalo Mbah Jojon gak bermimpi seperti itu gak bakalan ada Arashi..dan aku gak bisa menikmati bangumi2nya dari yang bikin mewek sampai bikin ngakak :")

  2. Irasshaimase Mita-chan 🙂 tadi ngecek e-mail en seneng deh liat pemberitahuan kalo kamu bikin review lagi, good job (^.^)d
    iya nih, makanya kita musti berterima-kasih sama si Mbah 🙂 karna atas kerja kerasnya lah kita bisa meliat cowok-cowok keren ituuu… (^o^)/

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